Monday, February 27, 2012

Post Stage 1

Wow, that was hard.

We started back in town again just like yesterday and with only a few km of neutral we had to push our way to the front pretty quick. A little bit of sidewalk riding helped and not in too bad of a position as we went out on the trails. We could see the lead team from yesterday, but not the second team. We got to climb up the trail I climbed back up looking for Craig yesterday, so guess someting good came out of the mishap, a little pre-ride of the climb. And so it went for the rest of the day, more climbing, and then some more, the down were so quick I can't remember much of it, but I do recall some climbing. Fairly short punchy once, punch which of course I don't have. But with the lead team from yesterday with us we did what we could to hang on. Craig would push me to give the extra punch up the hills, but in the end (somewhere in the middle)we had to see them go. They are definitly more race fit than I am. Both the girl and the guy. Deservingly taking the stage win again today about 5 min on us. We never saw the second place team (we thought we were looking for Danish riders)and learnd later we were 20 or so minutes ahead. Big recovery from yesterday and now 3rd overall, much improved from dead last! Though we did leave all of it out there hoping to prove we could ride with the leaders all the way in. Not today.
At the finish line Craig is treated as a Pro with his Scott bike, they take very good care of him... hint hint Trek! We had a good massage, some good food, a cold leg dip and now ready for some more food soon. Then hope for the heavy legs to lighten up for tomorrow, which roumers has it that it is harder than today with more climbing. The race will be broadcasted on Spanish TV each night, so will put legs up and hopefully get the Spanish summary of today!

Happy riding!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully now you guys can have fun riding and inch back after the tough start. Weather looks nice in the pics at least, it's minus 15 at home for consolation!
