So one day down and 4 to go. Very hard day for me and for many others as the heat was just unbeatable. Of the over 80 km (suppose to be 74 but a wrong turn made for a little longer race, some had more than one wrong turn) we did plenty of gravel roads and climbing totally exposed to the sun. The little bit of single track was over so quick I can't really remember much of it. During the first decent just after feed one I also lost my water bottle so now all I had was one for the next 25 plus the wrong turn! I found a creek to get a little drink but tomorrow I'm making sure its mounted on big time. In the end I ended third is what I hear but haven't seen the results, and there doesn't seem to be an award each day. To sum up the day it was a day of survival and a day for the fittest to show what they had, but with a few misroutes it added to it all. Third place will be very hard to maintain tomorrow as it looks like a very similar stage. And I admit I'm not the fittest, and I sure didn't cope with the heat as well as I'd hoped, but the heat I'm sure hits most of us.
Tomorrow is just over 60 km and about same gain as today.
Happy riding!
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Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.
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