...at Calgary Olympic Park. My back yard playground and put on by the Deadgoats so all set for a good weekend of racing bike.
Body feels good but legs seem to get tired out by any little effort; got in two rides to work this week, easy spin with Toby part of the way. Should not have a tiring effect. But it did. So unsure how I would feel racing.
Saturday is the short course. I show up for registration in the morning and there is no category for me. They chose to start me with expert men; better than alone in elite women. Where are the women? Start was not until 1pm so I had some time to head down to Ridleys to pick up race wheels off my racebike which was waiting for part from Trek. But I managed to fumble away time and when I got there and the complete bike was ready I had no time to swap plate and get bike set up for race so raced my dual suspension as planned without race wheels (gota love how every year there is changes to gear so to swap parts you have to plan for extra conversion time...). Anyway, love both rides either way so no big deal. I made it to the start after riding up from the house as a quick warm-up.
Felt ok, third lap in and I was in fourth when chain did a funky over the pedal spindle and it took my brain some time to un-tangle the figure 8ths. In the mean time three guys flew by. Shitty; I lost my motivation for a few minutes and just pedaled but then reminded my self it was a race and I need some high end workouts! Could see one or two of the guys on the climbs so got back into it, had a little more left for last lap and took back two spots. Happy with effort. Not my thing to suffer for an hour and half; but should make me a better all around rider so I do it. Good warm up for 4 hrs Sunday. Course was fun so made it all go by quick. Nice and tacky and funky climbs. Nice work Deadgoats!
Sunday was the marathon with a 8 hour lap race. Jon and I entered as Ridle's but Jon unfortunatly got a nasty bug and could nt make it. Hope he fights it off and back on bike soon. In the last minute I get a John (Cadman) to step in. He did the morning shift so I had some time to get ready after I watched the start. Great turnout and very cool to see so many Calgary women out racing some brand new to racing.
I had the race rig all set up and was early on site to spin legs warm prior to my go at 1pm. I watched John come through and figures Id get a 105 start. Road around the parking area and few minutes in a familiar feeling of bike weirdness! Sideways pulling!....I see Marty in his awesome flashing shorts and pull the poor guy from his rest to sit on another bike (he did not wanna sit in any bike). Verdict...get another bike! Thanks for taking two minutes off your race time to help!
So good thing Im in my back yard. In full gear I drive home Dow a quick swap of stuff on the bike and rush back up. John was a bit later across after hammering 5 laps the legs were feeling it, good for me as I made it back in time.
First lap I rode with Ryan as a warm-up. Though him leading out; felt harder than a warm-up. Course was different than Saturday, still fun and hard.
Second lap I felt awful; the poor warm-up leading to the start and a hard start had my legs turn to rock. So I settled in a long distance pace and things started to work as it should. Fun day, so many riders out there on a course in great condition. I had hoped for seven laps but with my laptimes and late start I got in six and the course was shut. Got to ride with Devon for a bit, great to be pushed. And last lap Craig made me push a bit extra. Still couldn't hang on, me on lap six, he on lap 13?...strong ride!
Happy with the end. John and I took the win; body felt ok; no rain; lots of bikes out!
Thanks to the Goats for putting on another great event.
Happy Riding!