Soon I'll be able to ride in my blind to and from work, as every ride I'm doing these days seem to at least include those paths!
Toby and Sequoia enjoying the snow! |
Saturday I had a bit of a late start as I couldn't decide on a big hike and no ride, or a short hike and a ride...
I ended up going with the second option and took the dogs to Bragg Creek for a snowshoe loop hike. It was perfect, the dogs did great and got a good run in and shouldn't be too upset with me leaving them for a ride.
I didn't mentioned it snowed the whole time, and still when I got home, seem to be the norm.
Back home I'd hope to find someone to ride with but team Portugal seem to have other plans this weekend. Craig was working, John wanted to go hard but not sure if he went out, and Erik is getting older this weekend so had to watch his health and opted for massage :) (gratulerer med dagen gamle man!). So I was on my own again, and it took me until 2pm before I got my mind in the right place and got my bike gear on. I decided to do similar ride from last Saturday but only city part of it, using my GPS as a guide and for practise to Portugal.
My missing pump! |
I rode through Bowness and when going under Bowness under path I heard this weird sound from the rear wheel, but I also had my music playing so didn't really know what it was and didn't really care since the bike seem to work fine. Got to downtown and since I didn't really eat lunch, I was hungry already, I got in my back pocket and NO! my Favorite pump is gone! Oh, the sound, right on, now I just had to hope that it would still be there when I go back home.
Navigation didn't really start until I had to get off the Little Elbow path, but from there I got some good practise and starting to figure out this GPS on the bike deal. Though I also got some local help, when some dude rode up from behind, and it was Ryan! Great, another group ride, beats riding by your self any day. Ryan rode with me down to Fish Creek entry and through Fish Creek to Macloud and from there I basically remembered the trail, so the navigation training was so so. Thought I'd stop for coffee at Rosso, but when I looked at the time it was too late, and my plan was also to get a massage in!! I stopped downtown for a quick call to ensure that would still work out, nice! And look, my lucky day, a few hours later and nobody took it, snow is good for some things, like hiding my pump!
Not bad, almost 100 km or cleaned (for the most part) paths! Made it home for a quick cleanup, stop at Subway for dinner and off for a massage.
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No better Mocha! |
Today started like the last few mornings, a bit slow. Dogs were not as lucky today, but had a good dog park visit instead. We ran some errands and hopefully I have all I need for Portugal, still looking for a good seat pouch but duck tape will fix my old one. Managed to get motivated by 1pm today, got on my cross bike, still covered in dirt and ice from yesterday. I rode the well known city paths again! down to Cafe Rosso, for the best Mocha in Calgary! Rode in a easy pace back home...worked on the house and my bike. Got some new tires put on, sealed and all, looks brand new again after it's dirty venture on Friday!
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Pretty much ready! |
So all in all the weekend turned out pretty good, I've learned that the weather only makes it hard to get out, but as soon as you're out the ride is as good as any, well any other path ride...and mountains will be ready sooner or later.
Steve sent me some Portuguese words that will be good to know, I got some last supplies, have three more days to ride a little, pack up for trip, then a few days in Norway to tune the bike and play with family and rest up the shoulder/back.... I think I'm as ready as I can be this time a year.
Happy riding!
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