...MANANG TO THORONG PHEDI, DISTANCE: 16.1KM, 1238M ASCENT (Max Elevation 4450m).
Another going up day and short day 16 km that would take the best rider, Cory Wallace, just under 2 hours.

After a rest day I hoped I had fought the belly pain and the sinus issue, but right off the start witch was right wash steep climbing it didn't feel totally right. The sinuses doesn't seem to slow me down, it's just hard feeling like all you upper teeth should be pulled, but the belly cramp just kicks me right down. I tried to ride through it, then took it a bit easier for a bit (as easy as possible and still pedal up these hills). Cory came from behind looking like he was back feeling good. Eventually the tummy cramp settled, so kicked in a better pace (meaning maybe tiny bit faster) until I caught up to Erik.
We road mostly single track (snow and dirt) today it was pretty fun, after the first part of climbing it's flowy Nepal flat until about 2-3 km from the finish. Had my first "oh crap, I almost died" experience as I hit my fancy seat bag trying to get off in a very narrow skree slope that had run over the trail. I was able to stop wheel on the edge looking death in the eye, or at least it's how it feels for someone who doesn't totally love heights. Watch Erik back on the bike riding all the narrow sections, thinking he was crazy. I was in no rush to die. The last 200 m to the finish will now take the record for the longest 200 m countdown - started to wonder if the Garmin does it right. When I finally saw the finish line, with some stairs up to it, I thought for fun I should sprint up them; nah at 4500m a sprint just wasn't in the making.
The camp for the night was super awesome. The dining hall played music from all times and categories, served good food and had a puppy as cute and cuddly as can be. We got a room with our own bathroom again. Since the day was short we got to spend some good time there, and since my bag (and Gerry's) once again was dead last (I didn't even spot my bag today, they must have been on tea break in one of the towns), we got to do a lot of just hanging out. The adjustment to altitude seems to go well; quick physical movements is eating up your oxygen way quicker than normal, well really quick moving is next to non-existent, but other than that I feel ok. The sinus (and the tooth aches that comes with it) seemed to be increasing with height though. But happy my tummy is hanging in there!
Erik had a great day, left me just before the finish and looking real strong for tomorrow.
Jeff had a very rough day including some (not in the moment but after the fact) good poop stories. Manang will forever remember him or his moon. Had a pretty good turnaround tonight and after dinner he even shared a smile.
Gerry continuous to move steady and strong, and staying healthy.
Tomorrow is the day we have all been waiting for! As high as I will probably ever go, definitely as high as my bike will ever go with me. Super neat! Can't wait.
Happy Riding!
Start in Manang... |
Our stop for the night - well at least half a night.... early start tomorrow - 430! |
@ Cory - Gerrit and I at finish - bike with the seat bag, thanks to Scott, worked awesome again today! |
Take a good look at the wheel - on the scree slope a rock luckily didn't hit Keevy, but his front wheel blew up, rim and all. Cory getting the story - he went from sick to winning today! |
restaurant view not bad! |
Some cleaned bike - others including me didn't worry as tomorrow is mostly hiking |
yepp, right up there somewhere is the trail for tomorrow - up to almost 5500m |
A little game - Rai in deep concentration - almost worked! |
Poor Jeff had a very rough day but perked up in the evening. Being a good sport, as good as can be considering! |
Erik keeping log.... |
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