The last two weeks I've spent in McMurray! It is great to spend some time at home recovering, well that was the plan. Though, at home there is always little projects that are waiting to be done. One I've wanted to do for a very long time is my back yard. I have spent very little time back there as it is just not a spot to relax and hang out, Toby even has trouble going back there sometime. So it was time to get something done, and what perfect timing as Cody and his buddy just started up a contracting company doing concrete. So a few minutes of sketching out a layout and the plan was in place! Cody and his team didn't take long to put in the pad and I'm very happy with it. Though the goal was no grass at all!

No more dirty dogs! So my job was now to landscape around the pad with rock and some brush. It took me almost as long as it took them to lay the pad to figure out the rock. Ended up using washed stone, nothing special but natural sort of look, good think I'm not in the exterior design industry. This was my week of rest of course, but who had thought doing some landscaping would be much more than rest! Well, two tonnes of rock and two days later my legs and back needed a good massage. Now I need to prepare for the lower deck to cover the rest of the grass and to place the dogie pool back in, probably after BC bike race looking at my current schedule. But all the work is so worth it, this morning after the dogie bike ride to Tims and Dog park, we had breakfast on the Pad and it is so nice to be able to sit in the back yard. The other night we also had a hotdog night....and the dogs are really looking forward to the dogie pool!
So back to biking a bit, last week was my recovery week, a week early as my legs felt pretty dead, and only 3 weeks to the start of BC bike race. The week consisted in easy spins to Tims and dogpark (love those), a group ride with the boys (fun times on other side of town), and hauling rocks to my back yard, which I thought half a tonne would have covered, but after 4 loads (2 tonnes) I can still need a few buckets here and there. Then I ended the week with a longer easy road ride. So into this week I felt pretty good, a little stiff from lifting but a massage on Tuesday fixed that all up!
This week is my last week of any load, so putting in a regular base week, longer rides with not too much intensity. Besides a cofferide to Tims and dogpark in the mornings I did intervals yesterday and group ride (3 of us, hopefully group will grow soon) and today I did a longer road ride and got sand blasted in a mini storm. Tomorrow I'll head out on road again and plan on heading down to Edmonton Friday to ride the course for the weekend race. Then race Saturday and Sunday it's back to work ah..5 days of full day work load! Can't complain though, I'm enjoying this a few hours of work here and there kind of summer! Think I need to look into becoming a teacher!
oh, and fyi - I really like my new bike!
happy riding!
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