I started with a longer update, but didn't get far before I realize I didn't remember much detail.
After a few days in Boulder City we packed up and headed further north to Hurricane, UT. We checked in to the hotel (served by some really grumpy people but didn't stop us from enjoying our stay) and got ready for the first and only ride for the day. We departed from the local bike shop in town and started climbing the paved road, then gravel road and from there on it wasn't much climbing until the end! We rode Gould, Jem Trail to the end and back on Hurricane Rim trail, a total of 46 km after a short ride through town to the hotel. 2hr43min! I really struggled to keep up, even with no climbing I found this trail to be a power trail, some sharp corners and loss of speed for me, then power it up to keep up to the guys. I saw less of them then before, but they would stop and wait in spots, kindly! The riding here is different than Las Vegas area, more like Moab a bit, and the next day we got to see more of "Moab" when visiting the Gooseberry Mesa.

Up on the
Gooseberry Mesa I got a taste of the heights and my body reaction to it! We rode together as a group down to a lookout point of the "
RedBull Rampage" event (one of them I guess), after this we had a short session on skid cornering and then we split. We started on the south rim and headed up to the Point. Lots of different kinds of riding,
plenty of slick rock with power moves to get up, some loose dirt and rocks with some fun cornering, some exposed cliff side riding, but most of the time I'm too busy looking for the boys and trying to hang on, but since I also rode this trail yesterday with Steve and a friend of his, I can now actually give some detail of the trail! When it was all done we had 32 km and 2hr20min ride! We then had a great lunch at a local coffee shop and back to hotel for a quick shower, and out for our second ride a
Jem-shuttle ride! A nice break from chasing the boys, a real "coffee ride".

Next day was check-out, so we packed up and drove in to St. George for a ride of the Broken Mesa (my birthday ride!!). It was a nice steady climb and as we passed the trail head (not by choice) and kept climbing we got a bit of an extra

decent on the road as well as some extra climbing in as well. Nice! We finally found the proper
trail head and got a rocky climb up to the top, fun as a climb can be, and from there it was all down hill!! Great, though it was rocky and
rough, it had to get better as we came down, but to my surprised it got more
bouldery and rocky at the end!! kept me on the tip of my toes the whole way down! We waiting for the rest of the group and headed for some Subway and then off to Zion where we ended the day with a nice drive up the canyon and a short hike to a lookout. Amazing scenery!

Last day of riding we headed to
Guacamole with a guided ride by Darren
Berrecloth, (look that up on you tube and you'll see some cool stuff), a steady drive up on a dirt road, and with possible rain, it was decided to
descend a bit and park at a lower level just
in case! The best call of the day! it did rain during our ride, didn't make the ride any worse, it was some great single track, slick rock and all at very flat area so no major climbs! Short but very fun ride! At the end I rode down the dirt road to my truck and for the first time of the week my bike was dirty! The clay road turned into a skating rink,
literally!! We loaded up dirty bikes and headed down the road very slowly!
A quick shower and last lunch with the group before they headed back to Las Vegas for a night at the New York New York.
Happy Riding all!
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