...in this picture. But my ride today (Monday), took me west along Canal de Lachine to Park des Sculptures. Due to less time I cut it shorter today. The pathways and bike lanes still impress me, my toe is getting better so the cracks and bumps don't bother me as much. Great seeing so many people out again. Return was along Canal de l'Aquedue, that was the bumpiest part but still paved path all along. Little bit lost again trying to get back down town but made it back in time to stop for some Pizza on the waterfront before my shift and afternoon of presentations.
Not too busy at our booth, but great to see old colleges. Presentations today didn't impress me but there are some neat ideas to play with.
Tomorrow talks start early so no ride unless it doesn't rain and rental drop off stays open to 8...hoping for that as I'd like to get a ride across the one mile bridge and over to the race course.
Happy Riding!
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.
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