Last day is finally here! It has been a long but great (speaking of both the ups and the downs) 8 days. Last day of any stage race usually goes by quick as you are just happy to start recovering soon. This morning I felt a little different about the last day, really tired. But it didn't take too long after the start and the body got the idea. One more day. It started with a super steep climb and legs did the job this morning, so I was happy. The stage was the shortest at 99km and just over 2000m of climbing so no need to hold back. At somewhere passed halfway I stopped to refill water as I didn't want a repeat of yesterday and just as I finished tapping it four guys came flying pretty fast. I figured I'd get caught quick today so figured I'd get a group ride as long as I could hang on. Held on a few km at flying speeds and then a road climb up so had to drop back. Legs didn't want to push it that hard. After the climb we could finally see the ocean and the cliffs and ending of the race. And from there u know there is only 2 more climbs of the day to speak of, and no one in sight behind me. If I could only make it up the last climb I'd be ok. We got to walk on the beach, climb back up to the cliffs, ride down a pretty schetchy decent and then back up, rode along the cliffs for a bit, down and the final road climb out. And just at the start of this climb, Harry and another 3 guys came. I hung on for dear life to ensure I crested with a group and it worked well. Had a cruise to town, but on a really short hill not far from finish 3 of them crushed me and I could close the gap, so 8th today but had a good day, as last day always is!
Finish line was at the beach, got a quick swim in the ocean, felt good on the bruised up body. And just finished the event with a great meal and awards. 4th place overall and very happy with the race.
I really enjoy the format of hard racing, easy in between, and these guys really made the time off the bike a super easy rest time. Great hotels, great food, great people and great staff that always seem to be there for u. Portugal is an amazing country and seen it from north to the south on your bike would be my recommendation! Fantastic event!
Tomorrow they take us to Lisbon were we hang out for the day then fly home Tuesday and work is waiting, back to the rough real life. Think I'd take dog bites and bruises over all the real life stuff. One day maybe.
Happy traveling !
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What a great result!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your visit to Portugal. I see you like it!
Until next time. ;)