...and Craig is the champ! I even got to enjoy a few km with them today, great fun. Sunny day, but lots of mud in the start. Took a break with a grandmom and her grandkid (I'm guessing), to wash and lube my bike a bit in a cute town we rode through. Kept looking back for the boys but they didn't catch me until just before the last major climb. But during the climb I caught up to two of the guys, not that I wanted to climb hard, but again my bike force me to push that bit extra. After the down on the other side I found my self with the lead group and Craig :) it was great to ride for a bit with the group, imagine going high speed down a shallow grade and not even push a pedal, and imagine chatting with a real person! Well all great things come to and end and so did this. Had to let them go eventually on a climb. If I could only have that 10 second upper end to hang on.
At the finish Craig got the win on a sprint, he is riding better and better. I came in about 5 min behind them.
Jon had a good day, and Erik too (again rumors) though not seen him yet.
The country side is now very different from where we left, seem to be a little bit more dirt and less rock. According to a Portuguese rider it will be less towns, we will go through some farmland no longer in use and it'll be flatter, but that said I don't believe Flat exist in Portugal. The dogs on this stage were mostly tied up and will all have a bad necks tonight.
Tomorrow 144km with 2600 (flat?) or so elevation.
Womens start is at 813am, men 900am.
And we will pass the halfway point of the nine days!
Happy racing!
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.
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