...some sweet potato fries, spinach and strawberries this this week and weekend. When I find something that I like, and if you've followed this you'll see this meal, with variation of the hot part....
So it shouldn't come as surprise to me but I did get less riding in this weekend, though the week wasn't too bad. I rode to work and put Toby through a couple of rides to get him tuned up for spring and summer! He is loving it of course. Wednesday I went out with Katy and Craig and did our regular type of path loop, around Glenmore reservoir and back up to the city. It wasn't bad, but for some reason the ribs felt very agitated through the ride. Maybe the little ride with Toby in Beaumont single track the night before was a bit hard on it. Either way that it for riding. I figured I'd take a few days off, and Saturday planned a hike with Alana as rib recovery day in hope of a good ride Sunday.

We had a bit of a hard time thinking of a good hike, but ended up doing Exshaw, to see how far off it was from being ridable. It was worse than I thought, we had a hard time making it up as it was pure ice under a bit of snow. I had poles, so my plan of rib recovery was out the window. We poled our self up and coming down we crawled cautiously down. Great little hike though, and hopefully with some good warm weather it'll be ready soon. Part of the lower trail just had the fresh snow, but pure dusty dirt underneath :)
From there we drove in to Canmore, grabbed a refill on our coffin load and headed up to attempt Grotto Canyon, as it was south facing and looked pretty clear. It was definitely better than Exshaw, but also much steeper, and not to grippy, as it was actually muddy and slick in sections. But with the pack back at the car it felt easier on the ribs, so that was a bonus. The views were awesome and Toby was in dogie heaven, getting two hikes in a short period of time. We hiked back down and met up with Suzanne at the Silvertip Golf course were the next few hours were spent, mostly figuring out the bill... oh not us, but the server. He did figure it out in the end. All in all a great day! no work got done, two great hikes, great friends and food...

Sunday I didn't feel so rested, sort of like through the week, if I could figure out a way to sleep standing up it would be great. Guessing I need to have a bit more down time and let the rib heal. So I made a difficult decision to not go ride today. Gabor posted a photo from the ride and obviously missed out on another great group ride :(
I did meet them at Cadence for a coffee though, since my Super Automatic Crazy Machine does NOT work! Alana wasn't too happy to see me in no riding gear, but I hope she forgives me and after the face is very happy she went. They did the "rib crash" loop from last weekend so I know she would have enjoyed it.
In the mean time I got a few things done around the house. So not a wasted day. Toby was out with a lot of girls and girl dogs for a ski so he was happy.
Now plan the next few weeks leading up to Portugal to make sure I can get as ready as possible both training and work. Hopefully back on the bike this week, and I think big things are in the plan for next weekend :)
Happy Riding!