Saturday, February 01, 2014

A bit...

.... of variety today.

another cold week....
Trying to get ready for an event in end of February and living in Calgary has the last few years not seemed to be a big deal. I feel we have always been able to get lots of base miles in on weekends. This years feels different and looking back on my tracking it is probably right. Colder and definitely more snow. But not a big deal, it is winter after all; so we adapt somehow or just accept a little slow start on the season fitness.

Started off in the -20's C this morning, but had indoor plans to start the day so not a big deal. With a little bit more (or some at all I should probably say) focus on core and strength in trying to deal with many years of pain during long day events, I've spend the last month or so working a little bit on this. I know... not really my thing; I do believe that there are ways to maintain a good balance with variety of outdoors activity and doing the things you enjoy, but when I've been lacking on that as well, I think a bit of focus will be a better way of quickly get some balance back and doing things right again. So we will see, not expecting results over night, but hopefully this season I'll see some progress in the right direction. Visited Mount Royal and wow, I'm not a gym person, but that was impressive, probably could enjoy quiet mornings in a facility like that.  The gym at Dal has a bit to go! Got a program set up and now it's just up to me to commit - in a little less impressive home gym.

Off to ride - seems to be the ritual lately that I'm late, rushed to get there on time, but as usual, my late is not as late as someone else's late - Shawn! But at least I have one person to ride with even when it's cold as today. First time seeing Shawn in a dome helmet :) so it must have been cold.
Planned to ride COP and Edworthy - the trails at COP was awesome, and besides my crazy over sized poggies and also way too hot, it was a perfect day for a ride. Unfortunately it ended with too much fun going down hill and Shawn gutsy rode a skinny with ice on it and popped a wheel. After a little longer stop it was a bit harder to warm up, but I got I a little more riding, including a view of some more colorful Buddhist flags ! It must mean something... or nothing.. but I can't wait to see the real thing while taking deep breaths of no air in a few more weeks!

Home for a quick change and went back up to COP for a 20lb'er hike. No issues staying warm hiking and nice for Tobster. Mountains would have been nice, but seemed silly to drive today when it was so nice up at COP. 

So not a bad day of adapting to the weather - of course I'd much rather do a 4-5 hour steady ride with a coffee stop and good lunch but at least I got out and soaked in some sunshine!

Happy Winter Riding!
Overkill - wrongly order but at least today I got to try them out.... north pole riding probably more suitable with this gear
Yeah it must be cold out - or maybe it's the new cool look... definitely not good on the shawn hair doo....
This was the end of Shawns ride - besides a pump we both left with no tools and tubes... maybe should rethink that..
The view of todays ride......
Nice day for everyone to get out...
So since there are no awesome lunch stops... I have to cook at home.... I like it simple and quick ...put a bunch of stuff in a bowl (today - spinach, strawberries, mango, fried egg, beef, hemp seeds, nuts, a little cheese)...
add a little honey, oil, balsamic vinegar, lid on and shake.... enjoy!

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