Today we rode the same area as yesterday. After about 30 min spin on the road up to the trails we split up in two groups.... faster and slower and since I don't fit either I had to choose and ended up jumping right into and joined the faster group of ex Olympian and Olympian wanna be no longer hung over!! The ride was awesome, the trails are great fun and I hung on pretty good though HR way above anything I've seen in a long long time. After a fun loop we met up with slower group and did a bit of cornering session, which I actually learned quiet a bit from. I've never like loose gravel/sand cornering in high speed but today I really started to catch on and feeling much more at easy going in with good speed and coming out with out loosing too much.
After the session we split again and some crazier HR to record in my books..... but tons of fun, the descents are just flowy, fast and filled with adrenaline, so who cares if I blow my legs the second day of my three week trip.

When the ride was all done with we had 46 km and 2h50min in and some big smiles!
After a good lunch we had "nap time", I didn't think that would something I'd enjoy, but I loved it!! legs up, head down and relax, it was great! After nap time we'd scheduled a "coffee ride" to the Hoover dam, which is about 300 or so meter down from here (down as in elevation down), and 30 km. I thought great, I can spin these legs out and feel good for tomorrow! It started out really great, we cruised down hills, stopped and took some photos and it felt really nice. Then something changed. We had to turn a little bit before the dam as it was getting darker, and as we turned the wind just hit us in the face, and I guess for those fast

Clear sky and 19 tomorrow... (apparently cold day they say)
Happy riding,
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