... and a weekend of a little bit of riding...
Calgary is not disappointing on the watery side! It keeps on raining and I keep cutting the grass (with my push machine I might add).... we got it all down to two times a week, my dream is zero... next year I hope to make it a nice urban rock garden!
So the week after Canmore racing ended up being pretty relaxed. Road to work and home a couple of times and that was it. Another weekend planned for Fernie canceled and Friday I figured I'd had enough of the rain, and went on a road trip to Edmonton, dropped off my bike for some tlc, and drove back.
Saturday happiness came back, with Jon's birthday ride! Jon, Erik, Shawn, Devin and Toby joined in for a day of play around Barrier Lake. The trails was in great shape compared to Chad's visit ride with much hiking in snow. And only a tiny bit of rain in the end, if I was Jon, I'd be very happy with the birthday ride!

Today I woke up not motivated for a day on the road in overcast and possible rain, so I canceled my plan after a mocha and dog park visit, called up Vlad (woke up Vlad also), and headed down to Bragg Creek for some play on the mountain bike again. Heather joined us as well on a last minute call. Toby thought the dog park was a sign of a day in the yard so he was over him self happy to get to jump in the truck once again.
Arrived at Station Flats and some kids race was happening, great to see kids out on the bikes having a good time. We struggled through some mud to start, some of us more than struggled and tried to swim a bit, quickly realized it didn't work, so a quick stop at the creek to wash up before continuing on my regular little loop of Sulphur spring. Short but awesome to be out on the mountain bike, remembering the fun of riding, forgetting all the rain we've had and just enjoying the fact that we got a ride in with out much of a a drizzle. A quick stop for coffee and back home for some work waiting :(... decided to skip work and go get some food for the week, then got really drenched in the rain, oh well, no big deal. Home for some work, got a little bit in before Vlad and family stopped by for a BBQ. Nothing like two little "tornados" running around :)
Week is looking great for Calgary :) and also for Fernie, so next weekend last call before Furious3.
Happy Riding! (oh gratulerer med kanadisk farsdag!!!)
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